HTML format

I have tried a fairly amount of these free/PAYG services to know that Mint SD beats most straight to the top, thank you for that, and am willing to try it out a few more weeks. We are not an IT oriented company so we have managed to survive our support needs, but I'm in desperate need to evolve and integrate more departments into ITIL procedures.

There is an issue that disappoints me on this newly top notch application, the tickets from emails are showing tables without any format/colors, and that has always been a deal breaker for me, I hope you'll address it soon.

Best Regards,



  • Dear Jorge,

    It's a difficult issue with which most of the platforms are dealing with. We are aware of the problem and working hard to have that improved. Currently we are preparing to release a new major upgrade with a lot of improvements. One of them will be HTML format handling.

    Nether less - thank you for a good word :)

    We appreciate that!

    If you will have any problems with the platform - feel free to drop us a line any time.

    Mint Support

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